The attachment is removed immediately unless the administrator has specified a number of days for deferred deletion. 除非管理员指定了推迟一定天数后删除,否则附件将被立即移除。
Note that if the number of days, hours, minutes, seconds is zero, you can omit it from the lexical representation provided that at least one of these is present. 注意,如果天、小时、分钟和秒数为0,则可以在词汇表示中省略它们,因为至少要提供1个值。
This returns the respective number of days for that particular week day. 这样便返回此特别工作日的各自的天数。
The total number of days that can be selected for the control. 可为该控件选择的总天数。
We recommend that you choose the smallest number of days that suits your needs. 我们建议您选择能够满足需要的最少天数。
Most California school districts have already reduced the number of days per year that students must attend classes. 加州学区大部分学校已经减少了学生每年上课的天数。
Patients recover slowly, over a number of days, but remain ataxic with many unable to walk unaided. 病人恢复缓慢,要经过若干天,但恢复后仍会出现共济失调,许多患者不能独立行走。
The following is a list of the number of days off schedule of each of those suppliers. 以下所列为这些供应商中每一个延期交货的天数。
Estimate the number of days until delivery. 估计的天数,直至交付。
I've counted up the number of days that are left. 我已算出总共还剩几天。
Gets or sets the maximum number of days that can be selected in a month calendar control. 获取或设置月历控件中可选择的最大天数。
The primary efficacy variable was the decline in number of days with headache. 最主要的疗效指标为头痛天数的下降。
The value you entered for number of days is either not a number or is too large. 输入的天数值不是数字或者太大。
The number of days lost through strike has fallen. 因罢工而失去的工作日减少了。
Returns the number of days in the specified year of the current era. 返回当前纪元的指定年份中的天数。
The number of days in February this year is28. 今年仲春份的天数是二十八天。
Has the number of days been recorded? 这时间记录下了么?
A new mother will not bathe for a certain number of days after the birth or step outside. 一个刚生过小孩的母亲在外出或者刚生过小孩的一段日子里不洗澡。
You must enter a positive number of days for Discussion items to be automatically deleted. 讨论项自动删除的天数必须输入为正数。
To calculate the number of days between two dates, or the number of weeks between today and the end of the year. 来计算两个日期之间相隔几日,或计算从今天起到年底相隔几周。
If you don't want a webpage history kept, set the number of days to0. 如果不希望保留网页历史记录,请将天数设置为0。
Specify the number of days to extend or reduce the current month. 请指定延长或减少当前月的天数。
Select this option to remove execution logs after a specified number of days. 选择此选项将在执行日志保留指定天数后移除执行日志。
The enrollment scale of universities was expanded and the number of days for holidays was increased. 扩大高等院校招生规模,增加节假日放假天数。
Adds a specified number of days to a date. 向日期添加指定的天数。
Fasting is mandatory in a prescribed number of days a year. 斋戒是每年规定的日子里所必行的义务。
You can designate the number of days that deleted mailboxes remain on the server before they are removed permanently. 可以指定已删除的邮箱在被永久删除之前在服务器上保留的天数。